Fonts & Character Sets9.5 font size?

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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9.5 font size?

Post by benti »

I'm sorry to keep bothering you all :)

I sort-of want the main text of my document set in 9.5pt font size if that's possible; 10 turns out to be slightly too large (it looks like a book intended for the visually challenged), while 9 is slightly too small. I tried setting [9.5] as the font size by adding it as an option to the documentclass, which latex refuses to execute.

Is this possible? I'm predominantly using the plain-and-simple cmr, with occasional uses of the TIPA font, amssymb and mnsymbol.

So pointers to general guidelines - and golden tips if you have any - are much appreciated.


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Re: 9.5 font size?

Post by benti »

I thought I'd bump this one back up.

The question: how to set the font size of my main body text to 9.5points, or any other size for that matter? I can't seem to fully exploit the alleged infinite scaling possibilities of type-1 fonts.
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Re: 9.5 font size?

Post by benti »

Getting there... but not quite yet. I left the font size option for \documentclass unspecified; instead, I now added


immediately after \begin{document}.

This does the trick as far as the body text is concerned; it doesn't scale the other elements on the page along, though (headers/footers; section headings; footnotes).

How does latex go about the font size for these elements? How can I make them dependent on the font for the main body text such that, for instance, footnotes are set -1.111 smaller than the body?

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Re: 9.5 font size?

Post by phi »

This depends on the document class. All general-purpose classes use .clo files for specific font sizes, but memoir and the KOMA-Script classes support a much wider range.
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