I am writing so as to have some help improving my typewriting thesis . I´ve been reading a lot of posts about this subject. I am apologise to ask again , since i am pretty new on this and I can`t find the solution on my job. I did as I can but it doesnt go well

This is what happend to my document ( some parts were written in spanish)
%\usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} % LaTeX
textwidth 15 cm
\textheight 23 cm
\subsection{Producción Mundial de Carnes}
La producción mundial de carnes ha tenido en lo últimos años un ......
now the error message
a latex cannot find prodcVC.bb
b latex cant determinate the size of the graphic on prodcVC.jpg no bounding box
my questions are
1= do i have to install other packages since I compiled from texnicenter latex>pdf, and if is that problem where I supose to install it?
2= the result of the compiler is a an empty box with the name of the picturein through the text.
3= which are the numbers for the bb to use in a typical picture I mean lx, ly ,rx, ry.
well, thanks in advanced

kind regards