Using the "rotating" package I have been able to successfully rotate my captions and tables using the following code...
\rotcaption{Averaged characteristic values of potential and current density for synthesized ingots.}
The problem is that the table appears cut in half at the bottom of the pdf page, while the caption is centered...
How do I fix this?
General ⇒ Rotating tables issue...
Rotating tables issue...
Can you please be more specific? A minimal working example would be very helpful to reproduce your problem and try to help you. With the information you gave (after changing \center for \centering), I could not reproduce your problem; in fact, the following code works OK for me:
Also, I think this post belongs to LaTeX->General
Code: Select all
\rotcaption{This is just a test table.}
text & text & text & text & text & text & text & text\\
Re: Rotating tables issue...
I copied your code into a new document and I got a similar issue... which leads me to believe there is something wrong with the formatting of the table. I used exceltolatex on a pc... every other table has worked, except the rotated tables. Below is the coding I used.
Maybe I need to update my Latex? I am not sure, I am a novice user.
Thanks for the help.
Maybe I need to update my Latex? I am not sure, I am a novice user.
Thanks for the help.
Rotating tables issue...
BNPadgett wrote: which leads me to believe there is something wrong with the formatting of the table
The problem was the \rotcaption command. I suggest you to rotate simulataneously the table and the caption, using the sidewaystable environment, as the following example shows:
Code: Select all
\caption{Averaged energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy results gathered for the synthesized intermetallic phases.}
...contents of the table...
BNPadget wrote: Maybe I need to update my Latex?
What LaTeX distribution are you using?
Re: Rotating tables issue...
It worked! Thanks so much!