GeneralGlyph `blablabla' undefined - what's the problem?

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Glyph `blablabla' undefined - what's the problem?

Post by drgz »


as the subject title says, I keep getting these warnings when I compile my documents. This is something that started to occur after I updated my LaTeX packages (using MikTeX 2.7).

The errors look like this;

Code: Select all

pdfTeX /b/c12/cwarning:/b/c0/c pdflatex (file C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.7/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmr10.pfb): glyph `v' undefined
pdfTeX /b/c12/cwarning:/b/c0/c pdflatex (file C:/Program Files (x86)/MiKTeX 2.7/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmr10.pfb): glyph `two' undefined
(And so on, for lots of other different characters and words as well).

Anyone who knows what causes this "problem", and how I can fix it? I read somewhere on another site that the command

Code: Select all

would "fix" it, but it is, as I understood it, only a workaround, and not a fix for the problem itself. So I'm kinda stuck with this.. Hopefully I could find out how the get rid of these warnings properly, but I need some help identifying the problem first (?!?) :)

All the best,


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Glyph `blablabla' undefined - what's the problem?

Post by benti »

As far as I understand Latex font handling, the errors suggest that the font is not properly mapped, which means that pdftex cannot interpret them. Does it come out all right if you compile to DVI instead of PDF?

I'd try updating all formats; if that doesn't work, try uninstalling and re-installing the entire amsfonts-family using the miktex interface. If thát doesn't work, well... I wouldn't know, really.

Oh, and you probably know the "Font Installation Guide"?
May be useful.
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Re: Glyph `blablabla' undefined - what's the problem?

Post by drgz »

I haven't tried compiling DVI instead of PDF, but I would assume it would work as it is pdftex that's the "problem" here.

I just found out that the problem, at least for me, arises when I update the packages using the update feature in MikTeX. I installed a fresh copy of MikTeX, and before I updated the packages compiling the PDF worked perfect, so I assume it's something with one of the new updates, but I can't say for sure.

But I'll take a look at that document, maybe I'll find something useful there. Thanks for the link and the help.

Best regards,

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