I am having two issues with bibtex that I cannot fix yet
(apart from manually editing the .bbl file, which is ugly).
1) For some reason, bibtex puts a space after "et al. ".
For example, (Devil et al. , 1666), which should be
(Devil et al., 1666)
(no space after at al).
2) The second problem is
when I use "unpublished", for example,
Code: Select all
author = "Ian F. Putnam",
title = "Orbit equivalence of Cantor minimal systems: a survey and a new proof",
note = "\url{http://www.math.uvic.ca/faculty/putnam/r/0803_main.pdf}",
year = "preprint"
How can I make it normal?
I use bibtex as follows:
Code: Select all