Page Layoutfancyhdr different pagestyle in different chapters

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fancyhdr different pagestyle in different chapters

Post by bonobeando »

I use fancyhdr package for my book, so that chapter titles appear left and section titles appear right, both to the top. But in Preface there is not sections at all, so that the right header is blank. How can I make a different fancyhdr style for a different chapter as Preface? Sorry, my English is so bad as my LaTeX knowledges :? .
Here my fancyhdr Layout, Thanks!

Code: Select all


        \markright{\thesection\ #1}}

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fancyhdr different pagestyle in different chapters

Post by localghost »

I suggest to use the titlesec package instead. It allows to declare various new page styles and offers a complete different interface for customization. From my point of view it is more flexible and much easier to handle than the fancyhdr package and I would recommend it for the standard classes.

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Re: fancyhdr different pagestyle in different chapters

Post by bonobeando »

Thank you! I don't know the package, but I will try it.
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