BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibliography style

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Bibliography style

Post by sherlock »

Does anyone know what bibliography style that Support DOI field and appear like this:
Diffenbaugh, N. S., Pal, J. S., Trapp, R. J., and Giorgi, F. (2005). Fine-scale processes regulate
the response of extreme events to global climate change. PNAS, 102(44):15774–15778.doi10.1073/pnas.0506042102

this is the code my code

Code: Select all

@article{ diffenbaugh05,
	title = " Fine-scale processes regulate the response of extreme events to global climate change ",
	author = "N. S. Diffenbaugh and J. S. Pal and R. J. Trapp and F. Giorgi",
	journal = "PNAS",
	pages = "15774--15778",
	volume = "102",
	number = "44",
	year = "2005",
	abstract = "....",
	localfile = "...",
	doi = "10.1073/pnas.0506042102 "

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Bibliography style

Post by gmedina »


the only styles, as far as I know, that support the DOI field are plainnat, abbrvnat, and unsrtnat to be used with the natbib package. However, none of them gives the exact format that you desire. Do you have to include the DOI field in many of your references? I ask you because a possible solution would be to use the jmb style (also with the natbib package) and then, edit the .bbl file produced by BiBTeX in order to add the missing DOIs.
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Re: Bibliography style

Post by sherlock »

Hi gmedina
I don't have to include the DOI field but I would
like to include it. I would like to put everything about
my references for better identification.

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