Here is some minimal code that reproduces the problem (it happens both with pdflatex and latex. I'm using Miktex 2.7 btw):
Code: Select all
\section{Hello $x_\mathrm{a}$}
Code: Select all
\ProvidesClass{isblabx}[2009/02/01 v0.1
Lab document class]
\LoadClass[12pt]{article} % based on the article class
- If I move the \tableofcontents command out of the cls-file and into the main document, the problem disappears.
- If I remove \usepackage{fourier} the problem disappears.
- If I remove \usepackage{siunitx} the problem disappears.
- If I remove \mathrm from the section heading (though I can use it everywhere else) the problem disappears.
I have tried to make a more minimal example, but if I drop the class-file and use article instead, the problem disappears.
I'll try to sum this up:
The problem appears in subscripts typeset with mathrm and in \SI-commands (from the siunitx-package) everywhere in the document if and only if (well, I think):
the siunitx-package is used
AND the fourier-package is used
AND the \tableofcontents is put in an external class-file
AND \mathrm occurs at least once in a subscript in a sectioning command
Does anyone have the faintest clue what is going on here?