Page LayoutTitlesec spacing at the top of the page

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Titlesec spacing at the top of the page

Post by mzi »

Hello All,

The hell of preparing a camera-ready pdf for an editor that does not provide a LaTeX style file...

I am trying to modify the spacing of sections so that they have a 2ex space before them, unless when they begin at the top of the page, in which case, there should be no space between them and the margin.

I tried a lot of things, playing with titlespacing. The command that leads the closer to what I am looking for is:

Code: Select all

But if the section is added at the beginning of the page, the extra space is added (not what my publisher wants). So I tried

Code: Select all

\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2ex minus 2ex}{*1}
Which changed nothing from this point of view.

I had the same problem with \chapter before, but since the position of the latter is quite predictable, I was able to change the spacing easily. Here, I need the spacing to adapt and I don't know how to do this.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by mzi on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Titlesec spacing at the top of the page

Post by localghost »

mzi wrote:[...] The hell of preparing a camera-ready pdf for an editor that does not provide a LaTeX style file [...]
This sentence immediately catched my eye. If you could specify your publisher's demands regarding page dimensions there surely will be solution. For example you can print a certain page geometry on an A4 or Letter sized paper (as long as it is smaller). Moreover there is the possibility to get a camera-ready output with according marks.

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Re: Titlesec spacing at the top of the page

Post by mzi »

Using the [hang] option for formatting headlines did the trick.
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