GeneralDefining color font for the whole document

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Defining color font for the whole document

Post by nunolf »

Hi guys

I want to produce a document (book) using a text font color different from black (I think is the default value), to say 90% gray.

Of course this is easily doable under latex! Can you guys point me to a good package for managing the colors? I read something about the color package, but got the idea that it was more suited to change the color of some sentences, not the overall text color.


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Defining color font for the whole document

Post by localghost »

What about the xcolor package? Should be something like the \textcolor command. Just search the documentation for this.
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Defining color font for the whole document

Post by nunolf »

xcolor seems to manage colors better than color.

And answering my question, it's trivial :oops:
Just have to define the color, and b4 starting the real stuff, call the new color.
Just for the record:

Code: Select all

\definecolor{bookColor}{cmyk}{0	, 0  , 0   , 0.90}  % 0.90\% of black
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