how do i use \section{} so that i can put the number in the middle, have an output like this:
Article 1 - Stuff
where the 1 is auto-numbered, instead of
1 Article - Stuff
if i do \section{Article - Stuff}
Text Formatting ⇒ \section formating question
\section formating question
perhaps this question is more clear.
will output:
1 article - first
2 article -second
3 article - third
how do i write it so that i get:
article 1 - first
article 2 - second
article 3 - third
Code: Select all
/section{article - first}
/section{article - second}
/section{article - third}
1 article - first
2 article -second
3 article - third
how do i write it so that i get:
article 1 - first
article 2 - second
article 3 - third
\section formating question
your example suggest that the word "article" will be constant in the title, so to achieve something like
you need only to make some changes to the sections format (with the help of the titlesec package) and then simply use
in your document. The following simple example illustrates this approach:
your example suggest that the word "article" will be constant in the title, so to achieve something like
Code: Select all
article 1 - first
article 2 - second
article 3 - third
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
{0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{2.3ex plus .2ex}
Re: \section formating question
awesome, thanks very much!