Fonts & Character SetsGulliver Font

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Gulliver Font

Post by renno »

Hello all,

I was wondering if there is a LaTeX package for this Gulliver font, or how could I include it in my document?

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Re: Gulliver Font

Post by renno »

Hello there,

So, I have contacted Elsevier, and aparantely, this font (Gulliver) is proprietary. So, why was this post?

Well, I am forced to write a paper in MS Word. Yes, it is very unfortunate, sad and frustrating, but I had to cave in for several reasons.

Now, to the bright side. I have already prepared most of my manuscript in LaTeX, with all my figures and drawings made in Tikz. Now, I am typsetting (well, I am not sure if I can call it that) the manuscript in MS Word, but still using the figures I made in LaTeX/Tikz (copy-paste from PDF file).

However, I know Elsevier uses Gulliver font when typsetting the accepted manuscript. So the plan is as follows: try to get the paper accepted with "word" submission, and then provide the publisher with my figures in LaTeX.

I hope this will work, and finally, a I get the paper published with one font throughout...

All right,

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Re: Gulliver Font

Post by benti »

Back in the days when I worked for Elsevier, they were rather TeX-friendly.

Can't you just submit using the wrong font and provide them with the .tex original? Surely they will correct it.
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