I am looking for a way to have two different equation alignments in the same document, in this case a rather long thesis.
For the main body of the thesis, I would like (and currently have) the default alignment of equations-centered and eqno-right. For the appendices however, as they are almost entirely math derivations, I would like to change to have all the equations left-justified (with the same right-side eqno). Does anyone know a way? Ideally, since the appendices are quite long, I would like to do this once at the beginning of the appendices files, rather than for each equation.
I am currently using the following (math) packages:
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}
I know there is an option within amsmath to have all equations left justified, i.e. \usepackage[fleqn]{amsmath}, however I am not sure how to turn this option on & off within the document itself (i.e. after \begin{document}...).
Thank you to all,
- Christie.
Math & Science ⇒ Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
Re: Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
Since you are using the amsmath package, you can use the \begin{fleqn} \end{fleqn} environment for all the equations that you want left justified instead of usual. If you have already used the align or equation environment you can easily use a replace function in any of the common text editors and replace all \begin{equation} with \begin{fleqn} and similarly for \end{equation} in a selected part of the text.
Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
I don't think that amsmath provides such an environment. Can you please provide an example illustrating your advise?meznaric wrote:Since you are using the amsmath package, you can use the \begin{fleqn} \end{fleqn} environment for all the equations that you want left justified instead of usual...
Re: Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
Oh sorry, forgot to mention you need to add \usepackage{nccmath} lol. Then you use it like this:
Text and stuff.
Equation aligned left.
Bla bla.
This equation is aligned like normal again.
Text and stuff.
Equation aligned left.
Bla bla.
This equation is aligned like normal again.
Re: Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
I had same problem, i tried this, but I got message " package not found", I am using LINUX.
what to do now? how can I get this package usepackage{nccmath}
thanks in adv
what to do now? how can I get this package usepackage{nccmath}
thanks in adv
Re: Changing fleqn option for part of doc only
It is in the ncctools bundle,
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... /ncctools/
I gave up and just set all my equations to fleqn in the preamble.
http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/ ... /ncctools/
I gave up and just set all my equations to fleqn in the preamble.
"The fish seem to like me", said Tom with baited breath.
"The fish seem to like me", said Tom with baited breath.