BibTeX, biblatex and biberSerious problems with bibtex

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Serious problems with bibtex

Post by adam1234 »

Hello all -

I recently switched from TeXnicCenter to TeXShop (same time as PC to Mac switch), and I have 2 related questions:

1. The package citesort will not download. If I try to use it, it gives an error. All other packages download automatically - why not citesort?

2. Is there any way to avoid the necessity compiling 4 times? As it is, I have to compile once with LaTeX, once with BibTeX, and twice more with LaTeX to get everything to appear. This is quite ridiculous - I only had to compile twice when using TeXniCCenter.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Last edited by adam1234 on Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Serious problems with bibtex

Post by localghost »

adam1234 wrote:1. The package citesort will not download. If I try to use it, it gives an error. All other packages download automatically - why not citesort?
This package is not available on CTAN hence it is very likely that it is not part of your LaTeX distribution. You have to add it manually to the TeX Directory Structure (TDS)
adam1234 wrote: 2. Is there any way to avoid the necessity compiling 4 times? As it is, I have to compile once with LaTeX, once with BibTeX, and twice more with LaTeX to get everything to appear. This is quite ridiculous - I only had to compile twice when using TeXniCCenter.
I'm afraid that it's not. TeXnicCenter (TXC) automatically uses BibTeX after every run according to the setup of its build profiles. This made you think that the compilation process is shorter. But you still had to compile twice more to get everything right.

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