Page LayoutAdding a single 11x17 page to letter document

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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by hjbahirat »

I am fairly new to Latex.
I am wanting to add a diagram to my document.
I want it to be put on 11x17 size page.
The entire document is in letter size paper.
Can anyone suggest me how to do this ?
I will appreciate any help.


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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by gmedina »


you can convert the special page to the pdf format, and then use the pdfpages package to include it in your document.
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Re: Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by hjbahirat »

Thanks that helps.
But I am looking for a sleeker way.
May be do something in the normal latex code itself and not write a includepdf command.
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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by frabjous »

You could probably do it with the gmeometric package. I've never tried this personally.
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Re: Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by hjbahirat »

I have been trying with the package but to no avail. Can you please give me an example for the use.

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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by frabjous »

As I said before, I've never tried it. I was just experimenting now. Here's the best I could do:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{lipsum} % for putting random text in

These pages are on Letter paper.\\[1in]
\lipsum[51-60] % random Latin text

These pages are on ANSI-B (11 $\times$ 17) paper.\\[1in]
\lipsum[10-40] %random Latin text
When compiled with PDFLaTeX, this sort-of works. The only thing I can't figure out is how to make the first 11x17 page have the appropriate vertical dimension for its textblock. (The horizontal dimension is fine, but the footer/page number is clearly in the wrong place.) The subsequent 11x17 pages are fine. Unfortunately, the gmeometric package is not well-documented, fairly recent, and warn that it doesn't always work. However, maybe someone else will know what to do.

What's the problem with using pdfpages, exactly?
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Re: Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by hjbahirat »

First thanks for the code!!!
I tried the code you gave and it worked just fine.
But, I am also faced with the problem of the following page does not having correct formatting.
I got some errors when I used the code in my .tex file. Tex flashed an error "uncontrolled sequence" and did not recognize \include command. Any suggestions ?

I am not wanting to use pdfpages as its a figure that I want to include in my thesis.
Also the pdfpages is not able to retain increased size in the thesis i.e. the included page takes the size set for the entire document. The figure is reference and has to appear at a lot of places like the lof etc..

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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by hjbahirat »

Thanks everyone!!
I figured out the use of pdfpages and have been able to include the file my file.
Also found that the I can create references and put a content line in list of figures.

I am so glad one down on problems and have one to go .
But once again thanks a lot.
The working code is attached.

Code: Select all

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Adding a single 11x17 page to letter document

Post by remusmp »


In case people are using memoir and need to change the size of the page in mid document:

Code: Select all

\pageaiii % Change page to A3: 297mm x 420mm
\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{\paperwidth} % Change the pdf page
\setlength{\pdfpageheight}{\paperheight} % Change the pdf height
\setlength{\textwidth}{\the\paperwidth-\the\spinemargin-\the\foremargin} % Change the textwidth
\begin{adjustwidth}{0cm}{-87mm} % Enlarge the right margin by: 297 - 210 = 87mm
\pageaiv % Change page to A4: 210mm x 297mm
\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{\paperwidth} % Change the pdf page
\setlength{\pdfpageheight}{\paperheight} % Change the pdf height
Embed your A3 content in \begin{ChangeToA3Paper} and \end{ChangeToA3Paper}.

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