Document ClassesLogo in Europecv.cls

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Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by tdcpina »

Hi guys,

I'm having problems with the class Europecv. I've already made everything to make the logo appear but mysteriously it doesn't appear. It says in the log file 'File europasslogo not found'

Can you help me...

I've already installed again the class but no results breed.

Best regards,

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Re: Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by Lucia »

Hello, Tiago.

Did you include the graphicx package? It is required to draw the logo. Maybe you should post here a MWE.

I also have a question concerning the europecv class. Is it possible to change the \ecvname{name} command in order to get "Name Surname", instead of "Surname, Name"? That's because a friend of mine asked me to typeset her CV in LaTeX, and she prefers to have "Name Surname". I'm using this class as a basic layout to build her CV, because it's the one I know best, I haven't tried other classes yet. So, if there is an easy way to change that command, I appreciate any help.

Thank you,
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Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by localghost »

Lucia wrote:[…] Did you include the graphicx package? It is required to draw the logo. Maybe you should post here a MWE. […]
The error message wouldn't appear if the package wasn't loaded.
Lucia wrote:[…] I also have a question concerning the europecv class. Is it possible to change the \ecvname{name} command in order to get "Name Surname", instead of "Surname, Name"? That's because a friend of mine asked me to typeset her CV in LaTeX, and she prefers to have "Name Surname". I'm using this class as a basic layout to build her CV, because it's the one I know best, I haven't tried other classes yet. So, if there is an easy way to change that command, I appreciate any help. […]
I have a certain idea. But to test it I need a minimal pseudo CV.
tdcpina wrote:[…] I'm having problems with the class Europecv. I've already made everything to make the logo appear but mysteriously it doesn't appear. It says in the log file 'File europasslogo not found' […]
It depends on which compiler you are using and the graphics format which is accepted. Concerning the format of external graphics files you will find useful information by using the search function of the forum.

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Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by Lucia »


Here is my MWE. What I need is to switch the order of the words "Apelido(s) - Nome(s)", so I get "Nome(s) Apelido(s)". These words are created with the command \ecvname{}, and I don't know how to alter it. I read the class file and for what I understood, this command is built with two other commands, \ecv@lastname and \ecv@firstname. But because these commands have the @-sign, I suppose the \makeatletter and \makeatother commands are needed. Is this correct? Can you help me?

Code: Select all

\ecvname{Maria Teresa Esteves}
\ecvtelephone{+351 123 456 789}
\ecvdateofbirth{29 de Maio de 1980}
\ecvsection{Experiência Profissional}
\ecvitem[10pt]{\textbf{Profissão Recente}}{Descrição de Experiência Profissional}
\ecvitem[10pt]{\textbf{Profissão Antiga}}{Descrição de Experiência Profissional}
\ecvsection{Formação Académica e Profissional}
\ecvitem[10pt]{Formação Académica}{Curso Superior em Informática}
Another thing I would like to ask is if it is possible to remove the word "Europass" below "Curriculum Vitae", in the upper left corner.
It depends on which compiler you are using and the graphics format which is accepted. Concerning the format of external graphics files ...
Just to understand this, isn't the europass logo included in the class that Tiago reinstalled, and so in the proper format to use in a LaTeX file?

Thank you for your time,
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Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by localghost »

Lucia wrote:[...] Here is my MWE. What I need is to switch the order of the words "Apelido(s) - Nome(s)", so I get "Nome(s) Apelido(s)". These words are created with the command \ecvname{}, and I don't know how to alter it. I read the class file and for what I understood, this command is built with two other commands, \ecv@lastname and \ecv@firstname. But because these commands have the @-sign, I suppose the \makeatletter and \makeatother commands are needed. Is this correct? Can you help me? [...]
This line is defined in the file called ecvpt.def which defines the terms for Portuguese. You can try to redefine it by adding some lines into the preamble.

Code: Select all

\def\ecv@namekey{\ecv@utf{Nome(s) - Apelido(s)}}
This will overwrite the concerned setting done by the class.
Lucia wrote:[...] Another thing I would like to ask is if it is possible to remove the word "Europass" below "Curriculum Vitae", in the upper left corner. [...]
I have not been able yet to locate where this part is defined. I haven't seen an according declaration in the class code. That will take some time.
Lucia wrote:[...] Just to understand this, isn't the europass logo included in the class that Tiago reinstalled, and so in the proper format to use in a LaTeX file? [...]
I wasn't aware of that because I never did a CV with this class. But you are right. A look at the installation directory shows the file in EPS and PDF format. As much more astonishing it is that the image file is not found.
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Logo in Europecv.cls

Post by Lucia »

Thorsten, thank you so much for your help. Your solution worked perfectly.
localghost wrote:This line is defined in the file called ecvpt.def which defines the terms for Portuguese. You can try to redefine it by adding some lines into the preamble.
So, when we need to redefine something, it is not enough to search in the class file, right? It is necessary to see in the class directory which files have definitions to be changed, correct?
localghost wrote:I have not been able yet to locate where this part is defined. I haven't seen an according declaration in the class code. That will take some time.
You don't have to worry about that, Thorsten, I found a solution. Maybe is not the proper one, but it does work for me. What I did was this: I added the option "notitle" to the \documentclass and in the body, added this: \ecvsection{\huge{Curriculum Vitae}}, just before \ecvpersonalinfo.

Thank you again for your time.

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