How do I write equation numbering style
Don't work (1b).
Tkank you very much.
Math & Science ⇒ Subequations
This should work
Eimund Smestad
Code: Select all
Eimund Smestad
Re: Subequations
Thank you.
But, there is a way to not use the instruction "\setcounter"?
Thank you very much.
But, there is a way to not use the instruction "\setcounter"?
Thank you very much.
Re: Subequations
I do not think so, however I am not 100% sure (but close). The problem is that equation counter increments every time you use \begin{equation}, it will not increment if you use \begin{equation*} and the number will not appear for this equation. But to actually jump in numbers you have to set a new value in the counter, since \begin{equation} gets it's number from the equation counter, and then that is the job of \setcounter. \label has nothing to do with the counter, it is just a tag for the equation, so you can put a reference to it elsewhere in your text by \ref.