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bold font

Post by teddy0625 »

I have following command

Code: Select all

$\textbf{Case 2 $\alpha$=1.02, $R$=5772 :}$
with intention with making the whole sentence bold but it does not make alpha and R as bold so how can I do that?

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bold font

Post by fatra2 »

Hi there,

First of all, and I don't want to pick on details, but your code looks awful. I believe you get many errors just from that one. You are entering math mode to define the case, exiting math mode to write the alpha, entering again to write the number and so on. Man, no wonder it does not work.

Appart from that, greek letter should only be used in math mode. Secondly, \textbf is self explanatory: it boldfaces the text, not math mode. To boldface some items in math mode, you need to specify it to the compiler with the command \mathbf{}. The only little problem with this command is that it will make letters (a,A...) and uppercase greek letters (\Alpha, \Beta...) boldface, not lower case greek letters.

To help you with your code, you could write something like this:

Code: Select all

$Case 2 \mathbf{\Alpha}=1.02, \mathbf{R}=5772 :$
or like this:

Code: Select all

\textbf{Case 2 $\mathbf{\alpha}=1.02, \mathbf{R}=5772$: }
Hope this helps. Cheers
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bold font

Post by localghost »

teddy0625 wrote:I have following command [...] with intention with making the whole sentence bold but it does not make alpha and R as bold so how can I do that?
Try it with amsmath.

Code: Select all


  \textbf{Case 2 $\boldsymbol{\alpha=1.02,\ R=5772}$ :}

Best regards
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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