Fonts & Character Setspdflatex missing chinese character - no error no warning

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pdflatex missing chinese character - no error no warning

Post by gosha »

I use the CJK package very often with TexLive, and all has always gone fine. Today I encountered this problem, that in the resulting pdf file a chinese character is missing (blank) but running pdflatex I had no kind of error.
The character in question is this: 蹾
This is my preamble:

Code: Select all

\usepackage[overlap, CJK]{ruby}
\parskip 3ex
\parindent 0pt
and using this to start and finish cjk:

Code: Select all

of course, all other characters are just fine.

Any ideas?

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pdflatex missing chinese character - no error no warning

Post by gosha »

This text has different languages, and for some reason it would not give me the error. I've stripped down surrounding text, and now I know where the problem is, but don't know how to solve it, please direct me to a man page or tutorial on the subject (or just tell me how to do it :mrgreen: )

Code: Select all

! Package ucs Error: Unknown Unicode character 36478 = U+8E7E,
(ucs)                possibly declared in uni-142.def.
(ucs)                Type H to see if it is available with options.

See the ucs package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.21 begin{CJK}{UTF8}{}\begin{SChinese}蹾
? H
Unicode character 36478 = U+8E7E:
Contained in range 'CJK Ideograph'
Character is not defined in uni-*.def files.
Enter I!<RET> to define the glyph.
In fact, this is the part of the uni-142.def file:

Code: Select all

As you see, it jumps from 76 to 79.

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