Text FormattingAccents and listofsymbols.sty

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Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by s.g. »

I'm trying to include a list of symbols in a template I'm preparing. I've found listofsymbols package, but I have a problem with accents. I would like to be able to compile words in Spanish.

When using package babel I can directly type accents, but when some symbol description has an accent, say "Energía", I get errors from listofsymbols.

I've tried to edit the .sty, and added to it

Code: Select all

\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} \RequirePackage[spanish]{babel
but that doesn't seem to work.

Is there any way?

Thank you in advance

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Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by localghost »

Provide a minimal working example (MWE) with the default listofsymbols package and the other packages included in the preamble as usual.

Best regards
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Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by s.g. »

Thanks, the simplest code would be something like this:

Code: Select all


     \newsym[Energía]{symE}{E}                     % With an accent
     \newsym[Velocidad de la luz]{symc}{c}
  \[\symE=\symm \symc^2\]
  donde \symE es la energía \ldots
which works fine if I avoid the accent in the symbol definition:

Code: Select all


     \newsym[Energia]{symE}{E}                     % Without accents
     \newsym[Velocidad de la luz]{symc}{c}
  \[\symE=\symm \symc^2\]
  donde \symE es la energía \ldots
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Re: Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by s.g. »

Is there any alternative package for a list of symbols?
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Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by localghost »

s.g. wrote:Is there any alternative package for a list of symbols?
It seems that the package is not supporting other languages. You may try the glossaries package. But you won't have the comfort of using commands that generate a list automatically.
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Re: Accents and listofsymbols.sty

Post by s.g. »

Thanks, I'll try that.
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