Graphics, Figures & TablesItemize inside a table

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Itemize inside a table

Post by pignatelli »

Hi there,

I'm trying to make a table 2x2 like this:

Code: Select all

\insertMiniGraphic{graph1.jpg} & \insertMiniGraphic{graph2.jpg} \\
\insertMiniGraphic{graph1.jpg} & 
\item Final Acceleration 0.0 $m/s^2$
\item Final Velocity 0.0 $m/s$
\item Final Position 102 $m$
To resume the results of an experiment.

The images works properly, but the itemize doesn't work at all.

Do you know why, it works ok outside the tabular enviroment but inside a cell it's not functional.


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Re: Itemize inside a table

Post by fatra2 »

Hi there,

The results you obtain are normal. Since the option {cc} allows a one line table content, you cannot itemize a list.

You could try to solve this issue, by adding {p{width}p{width}}, the width being in cm. This option puts you into paragraph mode inside the cell.

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Re: Itemize inside a table

Post by localghost »

Please use the search function. There already exist suitable solutions to this issue.

Best regards
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Itemize inside a table

Post by pignatelli »

First of all, thank u for the answers,

I've tried the solutions but it's still not working because the images:

So if you write:

\item item1
\item item2
\end{itemize} &
\includegraphics[width=200pt] {\imgDir phase0acc.jpg}\\

What you get looks like that:

So it seems like the cell is expanded as if keep the space for an image or something like that, and that's not what I need to do.

Somebody knows?
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Re: Itemize inside a table

Post by pignatelli »


I'll post the solution just in case of any further need.

Here is my guidance (spanish): ... las-latex/

The thing is to use m{value} instead of p{value}. It's mandatory to use the package array (usepackage{array} ).

Thank u very much.
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Itemize inside a table

Post by localghost »

In this case you can use the array package and replace the p{...} columns by m{...} columns.

Code: Select all



  \begin{tabular}{|m{210pt}|m{210pt}|} \hline
      \item item1
      \item item2
      \end{itemize} &
    \includegraphics[\linewidth]{\imgDir phase0acc.jpg} \\\hline
You may customize the list environment with enumitem.

Edit: Solution posted while preparing this reply.
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