Text FormattingHeavier exclamation mark to draw attention in beamer

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Heavier exclamation mark to draw attention in beamer

Post by Stefanie »

I'm writing a presentation in beamer and I want to use a somewhat heavier exclamation mark than the default one, to draw attention to the following text. Something like this
or like the topic icon would be perfect. I prefer not to insert an image, so I am looking for a font which provides this. I checked dingbats but there are only arrows and no exclamation marks or other attention signs.

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Heavier exclamation mark to draw attention in beamer

Post by frabjous »

In a moment, someone else will likely be along with a better idea, but you might try combining geometrical symbols from the ifsym package with other symbols with /rlap or /llap. E.g., the following works so-so, though you'd likely need to tweak it for the font and fontsize you're using, and other spacing needs:

Code: Select all



  Wow\bigexclaim ~That's cool.
I think there are simpler solutions from some of the graphical packages like pstricks and/or tikz, but I'm too lazy to look right now.

P.S. Ok, I'm not as lazy I thought. With pstricks you could use something like \newcommand{\bigexclaim}{\pstribox{\Large\textbf{!}}} -- I've been trying to avoid pstricks lately myself because of the hassle of not being able to use pdflatex directly, however, though latex > DVI > PS > PDF works.
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Heavier exclamation mark to draw attention in beamer

Post by localghost »

Perhaps you can find something suitable in "The Comprehensive LaTeX Symbol List".

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