I am not exactly sure what is happening when I drag the citations in from Bibdesk, but when I compile the document, the bibliogrpahy is omitted but everything else is there. I have the following command sequence in a root file:
I don't know exactly what you did, but I understand you only compiled with pdflatex. Right? If that is the case, no wonder you didn't get your bibliography: you must compile it with bibtex, then recompile with pdflatex, possibly several times, in order to resolve all cross references.
Ok... I am not so good with this so I have a stupid question - how do I compile the document in BibTex? I am using BibDesk as the reference entering software. I do not have a BibTex prigram for compiling the bibliography, where do I get it? (I have a Mac) Sorry for my ignorance... thanks for the help!!!
Added after much toil....
I figured it out. I didn't see the pull down next to the Typeset button! I got it now. Thank you fot the help.