Graphics, Figures & TablesLandscape Table not rotating

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Landscape Table not rotating

Post by mfiligree »

Greetings ~ I have a long book file with several tables in landscape format. The problem is that they are not rotating when displayed in the pdf. Of course, one can select to view it properly by rotating it clockwise in the Adobe reader. But shouldn't a landscaped table, by nature, display rotated so it can easily be read? I am using \usepackage{lscape}, and my tables begin with \begin{landscape} and end properly. I've been trying to fix this, and one funny quirk is that if I use \rotate before my table, it will display in rotated fashion - completely upside down! Could it be because I am formatting from LaTeX directly to pdf?

Thanks for any help. I would append a mwe, but I would have to completely rewrite stuff since we are using exclusionary style files. I'm hoping this is a simple remedy...


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Landscape Table not rotating

Post by localghost »

Please, get used to explaining errors and misbehaviour by means of a minimal working example (MWE). Otherwise this is becoming a quiz.

Without seeing your code I would suggest to omit the lscape package and use the sidewaystable environment from the rotating package. Note that this environment always occupies a whole page. As an alternative you can try the pdflscape package from the oberdiek bundle.

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Re: Landscape Table not rotating

Post by mfiligree »

Thanks, I had already tried that, but it opens up another can of worms. (I have included mwe's for 2/3 of my questions.) I will attempt to sort this out on my own. As I explained, we have specialized style packages in place and I am not always able to provide specifics of the package, which I understand makes it nigh impossible to get the requisite assistance.

But I certainly appreciate your efforts.
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