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To use more than a language

Post by localghost »

tdcpina wrote:[...] I haven't payed attention to your previous post. [...]
Obviously. I have absolutely no problem with he following code.

Code: Select all


I'll introduce some words in French and in Portuguese just to show the effect.

\foreignlanguage{french}{"`Élargisssement des aires de mobilité.} \foreignlanguage{portuges}{Não sei como resolver este problema."'}

Letters with accents doesn't appears in the output.\\
\end {document}
It works flawlessly one both of my systems². You still havn't provided a log file from a critical example.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1

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To use more than a language

Post by tdcpina »

In my system it still doesn't work. In MWE I provided you it works if I do this:

Code: Select all


I'll introduce some words in French and in Portuguese just to show the effect.

\foreignlanguage{french}{"`Élargisssement des aires de mobilité.} \foreignlanguage{portuges}{Não sei como resolver este problema."'}

Letters with accents doesn't appears in the output.\\
\end {document}
But if the first package is active it produces the following log file: Attachment-->MWE.LOG and the following PDF Attachement-->MWE.PDF

In my "true" file when I have the package inpuntenc active it produces a fatal error. Attachment-->tese

Have I respond to your demand?

Best regards,

P.S. Sorry if sometimes I can respond correctly. You are being very nice with me.
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My problematic file
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To use more than a language

Post by localghost »

tdcpina wrote:[...] But if the first package is active it produces the following log file: Attachment-->MWE.LOG and the following PDF Attachement-->MWE.PDF [...]
The output is correct. I can't see any problem and the according log file shows no errors. The tese.log file is not produced by this MWE. The errors are caused by completely different packages. So you told something wrong when saying that you only uncommented one line. What we need here is the code that produced the tese.log file (tese.tex, your "true" file?). Once again take a close look at how to build a MWE.

Moreover you have to start the MiKTeX Settings and add Portuguese as additional language. Instructions can be found in the documentation section of the MiKTeX homepage.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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To use more than a language

Post by tdcpina »

Ok, here a MWE with all packages that I'm using in my "true" document:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{xy} %para fazer gráfico e diagramas em LaTeX
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %para fazer n sei bem o que mas penso q é para colocar notas de rodapé
\usepackage{latexsym}		% to get LASY symbols
\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}		% to insert PostScript figures
\usepackage{rotating}		% for sideways tables/figures
\usepackage{cite} %Para a Bibliografia



I'll introduce some words in French and in Portuguese just to show the effect.

\foreignlanguage{french}{"`Élargisssement des aires de mobilité.} \foreignlanguage{portuges}{Não sei como resolver este problema."'}

Letters with accents doesn't appears in the output.\\
\end {document}
But happens that here it works perfectly. I don't know what it happens. I've installed the languages on MiKTeX and the same fatal error that I reported you and you can see in the log file.

I've send you the PDF file of the previous MWE to you see the worst quality of the output. Even if the log file doesn't show any error.
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To use more than a language

Post by localghost »

Did you take a close look at the log file and the error message? Why do you load the caption package two times? Omit the line where you load it first. And why are there two lines for the declaration of the document class? Please, be more careful when building a MWE.

Omit the pdftex driver option for the graphicx package. It will detect on its own which compiler is running. The comment behind this line is wrong and misleading. pdflatex accepts JPG, PNG and PDF as format for external graphics files.
tdcpina wrote:[...] I've send you the PDF file of the previous MWE to you see the worst quality of the output. Even if the log file doesn't show any error.
Install the cm-super package or think about using a Type 1 postscript font like lmodern.

Code: Select all

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To use more than a language

Post by tdcpina »


It works perfectly with the following packages. The package lmodern assures the quality of the output.
However if I active the package inputenc it doesn't works.
Well... Anyway, I have my problem solutionated!

Code: Select all

\usepackage{xy} %para fazer gráfico e diagramas em LaTeX
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %para fazer n sei bem o que mas penso q é para colocar notas de rodapé
\usepackage{latexsym}		% to get LASY symbols
\usepackage{graphicx}		% to insert PostScript figures
\usepackage{rotating}		% for sideways tables/figures
\usepackage{cite} %Para a Bibliografia



I'll introduce some words in French and in Portuguese just to show the effect.

\foreignlanguage{french}{"`Élargisssement des aires de mobilité.} \foreignlanguage{portuges}{Não sei como resolver este problema."'}

Letters with accents doesn't appears in the output.\\
\end {document}
Thanks a lot for your help,
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To use more than a language

Post by localghost »

tdcpina wrote:[...] However if I active the package inputenc it doesn't works. [...]
This statement is insufficient. Give a concrete error message or post the relevant part of the log file. You should get used to give as much information as possible not only on demand.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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To use more than a language

Post by tdcpina »


It's difficult because If I provide a MWE, the bad behaviour that I related that happens in my "true" document doesn't happen in the MWE. I can Provide you my log file and the first file of my document.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{xy} %para fazer gráfico e diagramas em LaTeX
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %para fazer n sei bem o que mas penso q é para colocar notas de rodapé
\usepackage{latexsym}		% to get LASY symbols
\usepackage{graphicx}		% to insert PostScript figures
\usepackage{rotating}		% for sideways tables/figures
\usepackage{cite} %Para a Bibliografia




%%\providecommand{\shadeRow}{\rowcolor[rgb]{0.9, 0.9, 0.9}} %%Define Shade

%\lhead{{Tiago Pina}


\author{Tiago Daniel Costa Pina}
\title{The problematic of Transport in Rural Areas}

\cite{Benoit95, Dupuy95, Orfeuil2008, Stanlake93}
The problem seems to be due to a problem of overcapacity. I can't understand...
Log File
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Re: To use more than a language

Post by Lucia »

Tiago, this is not directly related to your problem, but I noticed a comment in your MWE and I would like to clarify it for you. You say that you're not sure what is the fancyhdr package for, and you presume it is for footnotes (that's how we translate "notas de rodapé" to english). However, it is not for footnotes, it is for headers and footers, what we call in portuguese "cabeçalhos" and "rodapés". Footers have a different meaning than a footnote. A footnote might be used to explain something, or to give more detail about information presented in the text, and is located on the bottom of the page, usually. It is recognized by the use of a raised number, or symbol, both in the text and in the bottom. Headers and footers might present information such as section names, page numbers, can have dividing lines, can have different information in odd or even pages (chapter names in odd pages and section names in even pages, for example)...

I hope I made myself clear and that this has clarified your doubt.
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Re: To use more than a language

Post by tdcpina »

Hi Lucia,

Very nice... At the same time you have enlighted my doubts of a completely different subject.

Best regards,

P.S: Grato por esta cumplicidade portuguesa. ;)
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