Text FormattingOmit page number in entries of ToC and restart theorem

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Omit page number in entries of ToC and restart theorem

Post by liyintn »

Hi all. I am writing a thesis. And encountered the following problems. Please help. I've been searching long time for a solution. Thanks in advanced.

1) How do I omit page number and the dotted line for some entries in table of contents? E.g.



Chapter 1 ...............1

2) I am using theorem package instead of amsthm. How can I restate a theorem together with its number in other chapter without auto numbering? Or how to manually numbered it? Eg. In Chapter 2, I wish to have
Theorem 2.1:

Theorem 2.2:

Theorem 1.3:

Theorem 2.3:

Theorem 2.4:

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Re: Omit page number in entries of ToC and theorem

Post by liyintn »

I use document class report.

For ques. 1, I only want the first few entries to be unnumbered. How to we do that?

For ques. 2, I wrote \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}
\newtheorem*{nothm}Theorem 1.3}



But it does not works. If I use amsthm package, how will the command be?

Another question is how to get the word Proof in bold \begin{proof} \end{proof} and how to get small caps and bold for the word Theorem \begin{thm} \end{thm}?

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