Graphics, Figures & TablesPutting a checkbox image in a table cell

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Putting a checkbox image in a table cell

Post by tripwire45 »

Wow! This place sure has changed. It's been awhile since I've visited.

I've generally got a handle on my LaTeX docs these days, but I need to create an implementation list in a table. The cell to the right of each list item must have a checkbox so that, when the document is printed, a person can mark off completed items on the list. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding a solution. Any ideas? Thanks.


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Re: Putting a checkbox image in a table cell

Post by tripwire45 »

Nevermind. Figured out how to put an image in a cell to get the proper effect. :)
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Re: Putting a checkbox image in a table cell

Post by frabjous »

An image? I probably would have just used $\Box$. But I guess it depends how particular you are about how it looks.
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Re: Putting a checkbox image in a table cell

Post by olip3 »

Use package mathabx and insert $\bigboxvoid$ into the table where you want it.

-Beast of luck.
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