Text Formatting ⇒ setting page numbers
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setting page numbers
Dear Latex pro's,
I have questions concerning page numbers. I made a resaerch report for
my master thesis in texniccenter using apa-style template.
For this thesis i made a coverpage, preface and some very long tables in word. The pdf document is placed in the middle after about 7 pages. I'd like to know
how i can manipulate the page numbers in such a way that they start in the pdf
from page 7 instead of page 1. What command do I need to use to get this done?
Thanks in advance,
I have questions concerning page numbers. I made a resaerch report for
my master thesis in texniccenter using apa-style template.
For this thesis i made a coverpage, preface and some very long tables in word. The pdf document is placed in the middle after about 7 pages. I'd like to know
how i can manipulate the page numbers in such a way that they start in the pdf
from page 7 instead of page 1. What command do I need to use to get this done?
Thanks in advance,
setting page numbers
Hi there,
Do you want to start the counter on page 7 with page 7 or with page one???
If you want to have it with page 7 on page 7, then you just need to \usepackage{fancyhdr} and: until you want the page number to show, and then add:
Otherwise, you will have to restart the page number on page 7. For this I would need to go back into some examples that I have, to give you a complete answer.
Do you want to start the counter on page 7 with page 7 or with page one???
If you want to have it with page 7 on page 7, then you just need to \usepackage{fancyhdr} and:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Otherwise, you will have to restart the page number on page 7. For this I would need to go back into some examples that I have, to give you a complete answer.
setting page numbers
Hi paulvdsterren,
the command \setcounter lets you change the value of an existing counter. In your case, you could use something like
the command \setcounter lets you change the value of an existing counter. In your case, you could use something like
Code: Select all
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:56 pm
Re: setting page numbers
So i tried to do the /setcounter{page}{7}, however it still starts off
with page 1, instead of page 7 as i want. Could it be a problem that i use apa
here is my setup btw:
\title {The importance of sexual self-disclosure and perceived partner responsiveness in sexual intimacy: the proposition of an interpersonal process model.}
\author{Paul G.S. van der Sterren and Marjolein J.W. Verheij}
i put /setcounter above the title, but it doesnt seems to use it?
i also used /addtocounter {page} {7}, but this also doesnt seem to work.
I suspect that apa.cls hardwires the page numbers or something. Any ideas anyone?
with page 1, instead of page 7 as i want. Could it be a problem that i use apa
here is my setup btw:
\title {The importance of sexual self-disclosure and perceived partner responsiveness in sexual intimacy: the proposition of an interpersonal process model.}
\author{Paul G.S. van der Sterren and Marjolein J.W. Verheij}
i put /setcounter above the title, but it doesnt seems to use it?
i also used /addtocounter {page} {7}, but this also doesnt seem to work.
I suspect that apa.cls hardwires the page numbers or something. Any ideas anyone?
setting page numbers
Is this a typo or did you actually use /setcounter? Commands go with a backslash, i.e. \setcounter.paulvdsterren wrote:/setcounter{page}{7}
This works for me:
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setting page numbers
Build a minimal working example (MWE) that shows the difficulties.paulvdsterren wrote:So i tried to do the /setcounter{page}{7}, however it still starts off with page 1, instead of page 7 as i want. Could it be a problem that i use apa style?
i put /setcounter above the title, but it doesnt seems to use it?
i also used /addtocounter {page} {7}, but this also doesnt seem to work.
I suspect that apa.cls hardwires the page numbers or something. Any ideas anyone? [...]
Best regards
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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- Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:56 pm
Re: setting page numbers
So i tried the suggestions, still no effect.
I tried to make a mwe, i hope its minimal enough
\title {The importance}
\affiliation{Faculty \\ Utrecht }
\note{\today; in development}
\maketitle %{model.}
\clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page
text and a few figures and tables
\clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page
also in this small doc setting page doesnt work, niether does \addtocounter {page}{7}
Can some look at this problem again?
thanks in advance
I tried to make a mwe, i hope its minimal enough
\title {The importance}
\affiliation{Faculty \\ Utrecht }
\note{\today; in development}
\maketitle %{model.}
\clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page
text and a few figures and tables
\clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page
also in this small doc setting page doesnt work, niether does \addtocounter {page}{7}
Can some look at this problem again?
thanks in advance
setting page numbers
After checking the apa.cls file, I think I spotted the problem. After \maketitle, there is a use of \pagenumbering on line 1247. I don't know exactly how \pagenumbering works, but it seems like, in addition to making the counter be typeset in arabic numerals (or whatever is requested), it sets the page back to 1. From what I know, I can suggest 2 options:
- Make a copy of apa.cls file into your working directory. This way, when compiling LaTeX will use this file. There, comment out line 1247, i.e.
Code: Select all
% \pagenumbering{arabic}
- Write \setcounter{page}{7} right after \maketitle. It works in your MWE:
Code: Select all
\documentclass[jou,oneside]{apa} \usepackage{apacite} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{a4wide} \title {The importance} \author{Paul} \affiliation{Faculty \\ Utrecht } \abstract{abstract} \rightheader{Paul} \shorttitle{intimacy} \leftheader{sexual} \note{\today; in development} \begin{document} \maketitle %{model.} \setcounter{page}{7} text \clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page text and a few figures and tables \clearpage %this command is nit in the normal doucment its only here to get a 2nd page \bibliography{ref} \end{document}
setting page numbers
I'd prefer tht following solution: Redefine \pagenumbering so that it doesn't reset the counter:
Code: Select all
\gdef\thepage{\csname @#1\endcsname\c@page}%
setting page numbers
Brilliant, better solution by farphi wrote:I'd prefer tht following solution: Redefine \pagenumbering so that it doesn't reset the counter: