Page Layoutvertical space at the top of table of contents

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vertical space at the top of table of contents

Post by pmc74 »


I'm new to this forum, so I'm sorry if I missed this in a previous thread.
I am writing a thesis and the format review wants everything to be 1 inch from the top of the page. My problem is that the second page of my toc starts with more than an inch of space at the top of the page.
I am using the report document class. I have tried looking through tocloft but I haven't found anything that will let me change this spacing.

I tried to remove the space with

Code: Select all

but it didn't change the space above the first entry on the second page, just pushed it onto the first page.

here is an image showing what I want to change on the second page of my table of contents.

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vertical space at the top of table of contents

Post by fatra2 »

Hi there,

Have you tried using the \setlength command??? It might be what you are looking for. For the complete understanding of this command, you should look around the web. Otherwise, just to move the top margin with the command in the preamble:

Code: Select all

You can add plus/minus sign to move the top margin to the desired position.

Hope this helps.

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Re: vertical space at the top of table of contents

Post by pmc74 »

Thanks, I'll see if that will work but I already have the margins set to 1 inch using the geometry package,
\usepackage[includefoot, includehead, left=1.5in, right=1in, top=1in, bottom=1in]{geometry}
and it is fine everywhere except the second page of the table of contents.
The first page of the table of contents has a 1 inch margin.
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Re: vertical space at the top of table of contents

Post by sherlock »


Check this topic ... f=5&t=1533

maybe will help you
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