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tables & colums & pages

Post by pignatelli »


I'm Vicente, a computer science student, and a newby to LaTeX.

Right now, I'm writing the report of my thesis.

The problem that I've found is that I need to put in the anexus very big tables, (~2000,3). And not only one, but at least 6.

The tables are really narrow, so I'd like to span it by 5-6 columns in each page and I'd like them to span like that.
while(not eof(table))
for pagecol=1:pagecols
while(not eof(page))
write(table row)
end while
end for
end while

So, first fill the first page col, then the second and so on until all the cols of the page are fullfilled, then jump to another page and keep going.

I've tried:
longtables and supertabular:
This extension do not allow multicol
This extension works fine with multicol and pages but it try to balance the columns, besides that extension do not allow to end the table properly it ends without bottom line everytime it spans and it starts without header everytime but first.

Anyone can give me some guidance in solving this matter?

Thank you and sorry for my english.

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Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:27 pm

tables & colums & pages

Post by corderin »

I would have a look at the xtab package.

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