Thanks a lot.
1. Switching from the editor to the viewer is done when compiling only, right? No Ctrl+click or similar shortcuts for switching without compiling? So, one puts the cursor in a line in the editor, compile the document, press "View PDF" and gets switched to the viewer. Now, that works fine on a single document. But, in case of Master-Child relation this doesn't work (i.e. it works for lines in Master document, but not in Child document).
2. Switching between windows isn't smooth on my machine (Debian Squeeze, 64bit). When I click "View PDF", the viewer pops up, but in the panel the editor window still has the focus. However, this part isn't much of an issue.
But, when I do
Right click > Click to jump to the line in the viewer, the editor window gets the focus
only in the panel, but the window stays behind the viewer. From there it takes two clicks to get to the editor: one for "unfocusing" the editor window (it still remains behind the viewer), and another for bringing it into the view.
Here's my pdflatex line:
Code: Select all
/home/mehor/TeXLive/bin/x86_64-linux/pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Note: I tried turning off Compiz Fusion to see if it interferes with windows switching, seems it does not.