Math & Science ⇒ Text Book
Text Book
I am looking at witting a Math text book using tex. I was wondering if there is any packages already created that would help me do this. I was going to create environments for Problems and an optional "answer key" and something that would allow me to create "teacher comments" in the margins. If there is already a package or packages created to do so no seance in recreating the wheel. Thank you in advance for you help.
Re: Text Book
May be you are searching for the amsmath package ... -guide.pdf
In general consider that the basic latex commands are enough powerful to create any kind of block you require. Basically, you could write your book just by means of \newtheorem and \newenvironment commands.
In general consider that the basic latex commands are enough powerful to create any kind of block you require. Basically, you could write your book just by means of \newtheorem and \newenvironment commands.