Text FormattingA problem with 'ampersand' in a bib entry.

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A problem with 'ampersand' in a bib entry.

Post by alwayssmile68 »


I came across a problem with the ampersand in two bib entries. It always produced a strange symbol as follows:

author = {Johnson, S. C.},
title = {{Yacc: Yet Another Compiler Compiler}},
journal = {UNIX Programmer's Manual, AT\&T Bell Laboratories},
year = {1979},
volume = {2},
pages = {353--387}
Please see the attached file 'appersand1.png' for the produced text.
author = {France, R. and Evans, A. and Lano, K. and Rumpe, B.},
title = {{The UML as a Formal Modeling Notation}},
journal = {{Computer Standards \& Interfaces}},
year = {1998},
volume = {19},
pages = {325--334},
number = {7},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, The Netherlands}
Please see the attached file 'appersand2.png' for the produced text.

However, for some other ampersand in the same bib file, it worked well. I do not know why? Would you please give me some hint? Thanks.
The text produced by the first bib entry.
The text produced by the first bib entry.
ampersand2.PNG (6.85 KiB) Viewed 10556 times
The text produced by the second bib entry.
The text produced by the second bib entry.
ampersand1.PNG (7.06 KiB) Viewed 10556 times

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Re: A problem with 'ampersand' in a bib entry.

Post by phi »

That's an ampersand in the italic version of the Computer Modern font. It's unrelated to BibTeX; you get the same symbol with \textit{\&}. Italic fonts stem from cursive (hand-written) scripts, and the ampersand is a cursive ligature of the word "et." Computer Modern Italic merely displays this etymology.
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Re: A problem with 'ampersand' in a bib entry.

Post by daleif »

Some typographers actually recommend using the italic & in titles and such because the italic & is often better designed than the roman counterpart.
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