Goal: put the footnotes at the end of a longtable, NOT at the page end
Yes ,how know this is tricky question. I read all stuff I could find out on the net and on books I have here on the lab, but I can´t seem to put this working.
For small tables, there are a couple of ways to put footnotes at the end of a table (e.g. put table inside a minipage, threparttable package). For long tables, I read something about putting the footnotes in a multicolumn row, at the end of the table. Do you guys have an example of how to do this? Bellow, an example of a longtable with footnotes on the headins and on the body.
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\documentclass{book}\usepackage{booktabs}\usepackage{longtable}\begin{document}% Here's a long table\begin{center}% Change the footnote style to symbols\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\begin{longtable}{ccccccc}\caption[Optional table caption]{Main caption\footnotemark[1]}\\% This is the header for the first page of the table...\toprule\multicolumn{4}{c}{Interacting Residues\footnotemark[2]} & & & \\Residue & Chain & Residue & Chain & M-M & M-S & S-S\\\midrule\endfirsthead% This is the header for the remaining page(s) of the table...%\multicolumn{7}{c}{{\tablename} \thetable{} -- Continued} \\\caption[]{(continued)}\\\toprule\multicolumn{4}{c}{Interacting Residues\footnotemark[2]} & & & \\Residue & Chain & Residue & Chain & M-M & M-S & S-S\\\midrule\endhead% This is the footer for all pages except the last page of the table...\midrule\multicolumn{7}{l}{{Continued on Next Page\ldots}} \\\endfoot% This is the footer for the last page of the table...\bottomrule\endlastfoot% Data starts here: