GeneralTwo column layout - fill text around large table/figure

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Diff Eq
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Two column layout - fill text around large table/figure

Post by Diff Eq »


Thanks for all your help guys - I've been staring at the LaTeX documentation for two days soaking up as much as I can.

I'm having difficulty trying to find an explanation on getting text to flow around a table. I found a sample online of what I would like it to look like (t'was done in LaTeX):


Is it possible to center it on the page? I know the "\center" tag centers the table to the column, but for a larget table, it sticks out and makes the page feel unbalanced.

Thanks again! Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Two column layout - fill text around large table/figure

Post by gmedina »

Try the balanced and caption packages or the balanced and wrapfig packages.
Diff Eq
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:09 pm

Two column layout - fill text around large table/figure

Post by Diff Eq »

Ah! I figured out my problem.

I found a small blurb hidden inside an article that states:
Note that double column figures and tables have some limitations. They can't be placed at the bottom of pages. Additionally, they will not appear on the same page where they are defined. So you have to define them prior to the page on which they should appear.

So, I just placed the table earlier in the middle of the text on the previous page with the [t] tag and it appears on the next page at the top. Text flows around it.

Seems kind of counter intuitive?

This is done using the {table*} environment.
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