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\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,geometry} % Typical maths resource packages
\usepackage{xcolor} % For creating coloured text and background
\usepackage{hyperref} % For creating hyperlinks in cross references
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\def\chem#1#2{ {{\scriptscriptstyle#1\atop\longrightarrow}\atop{\longleftarrow\atop \scriptscriptstyle#2}} }
\Huge Hydrodynamic Stability and Flow Transitions\\
{\LARGE } \\
\begin{tabular}{l c l}
$x,y,z$& - & Cartesian coordinates \\ \\
$t$& - & Time\\ \\
$u,v,w$ & - & Eulerian components of the fluid velocity \\ \\
$U,V,W$ & - & Mean velocity components\\ \\
$\alpha$& - & Wave number in x direction \\ \\
$\beta$& - & Wave number in z direction \\ \\
$c=c_{r}+\mathbf{i}c_{\mathbf{i}}$& - & Complex phase velocity \\ \\
$\phi$& - & Eigenfunction \\ \\
$\psi$& - & Stream function\\ \\
$R$& - & Reynolds number of the mean flow, based on free stream velocity \\ \\
$\nu$ & - & Kinematic fluid Viscosity \\ \\
$',d/dy$ & - & Ordinary derivative\\ \\
$x,y,z,t$ & - & In subscript, partial derivative\\ \\
$*$ & - & In superscript, complex conjugate\\
%$\epsilon$& - & perturbation parameter \\
%$\zeta$& - & eigenvalue \\
\section{Introduction to hydrodynamic stability} %---------------------------- section 1.1--------------------------------------
In fluid dynamics, hydrodynamic stability concerns the stability and instability of fluid flows. Hydrodynamic stability is an important phenome
I am having a trouble dividing sections for each chapter. I want to display 3 sections under chapter 1 (Preliminaries) as 1.1 , 1.2 and 1.3 but I do not know how. help please