Text FormattingEnumerating between [ ]

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Enumerating between [ ]

Post by amegahed3 »

Hi All,

How can I enumerate item, but have the numbers put between [ ]?

I tried to use the package "enumitem", but couldn't know the correct parameters!

Also, I would like a way that guarantees having the same enumeration when cross referencing any enumerated item.

Finally, does anyone know of an easy tutorial for BIBtex? because I couldn't understand it from most of the documentations I found online!
Thanks in advance!


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Enumerating between [ ]

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Aly,

use for instance

Code: Select all

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Re: Enumerating between [ ]

Post by amegahed3 »

Thanks a lot. But why does the [ ] seem a bit large? Is there a way to have it smaller?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Enumerating between [ ]

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

That depends on the font you are using. Just compare how [...] is looking in your normal text. Of course you could try commands like \small etc. or change the font, if it's really necessary.

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Enumerating between [ ]

Post by amegahed3 »

Actually, that's all what I have before \begin {document}:

Code: Select all

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
And I never change the font inside the text. Also, all what I need is to enumerate the references. So, in order to make that [1], [2],...etc enumeration look as the professional standard, what should I do? or it already is?

Thanks a lot, Stefan for your continuous help. I really appreciate it!

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Enumerating between [ ]

Post by localghost »

amegahed3 wrote:[…] Also, all what I need is to enumerate the references. So, in order to make that [1], [2],...etc enumeration look as the professional standard, what should I do? […]
You can create a bibliography manually by using the thebibliography environment and the corresponding \bibitem command. For bibliographies based on databases you should use BibTeX or the biblatex package. In all the cases you don't have to worry about enumeration of the references any more because it is done automatically in the shape you want.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Enumerating between [ ]

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Aly,

I would prefer the way mentioned by Thorsten, you would get a standard appearance by that.

If you still want to use an enumitem and if you really want to get smaller [] here's a quick workaround:

Code: Select all

I've made the brackets smaller and raised them by 1.2pt, of course you could change that.

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Re: Enumerating between [ ]

Post by amegahed3 »

I agree that the way of Thorsten is the suitable one for what I want to do. I actually used thebibliography, and it worked perfectly.

But I also wanted to use the BibTeX, but I couldn't find a clear tutorial or documentation. Does anyone of you guys know of an easy clear one?

Thanks a lot for all your great help!

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