Math & ScienceCross-Referencing an equation

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Cross-Referencing an equation

Post by amegahed3 »

Hi All,

I'm a beginner in latex, and I have the following question:

How can I cross-reference a certain equation?

Also, if I have one number for a set of equations, how can I cross-reference them?



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Stefan Kottwitz
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Cross-Referencing an equation

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Aly,

use \label and \ref. With amsmath, recommendable for all math texts, you could use \eqref. Here's an example:

Code: Select all

  ax + by +c = 0 \label{eq1}
See \eqref{eq1}.
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Re: Cross-Referencing an equation

Post by amegahed3 »

Great. It worked perfectly. Thanks.

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