Math & ScienceNumbering Aligned Equations, and writing under Min

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Numbering Aligned Equations, and writing under Min

Post by amegahed3 »

Hi All,

I'm a beginner in Latex, and I have the following 3 questions:

1. The following code writes my equations in the exact same way I want them to appear. The only thing left is that I need to have each equation numbered by a separate number instead of just one number for the three equations, as the case now. What shall I do? the code is:

Code: Select all

\mbox{min}  ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} C_s F_s  +  \sum \limits_{(i,j) \in A} \sum \limits_{t \in T} K_{ijt} (\omega)\\
\mbox{s.t.} ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} a_{ijts} F_{s} + K_{ijt} (\omega) \geq l_{ijt}(\omega) ~~ \forall (i,j) \in A,~~ \forall t \in T\\
& F_{s}, K_{ijt} (\omega) \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}\\
2. In the previous code as well, how can I align the equations to the left, instead of centered? So, I want their relative alignment the same as they appear now, but I want them all to begin from the left, not from the center. How can that be done?

3. I wanna write x \in X under Min. How can that be done, given that this is inside the equation? So, my code is:

Code: Select all

Min_{x \in X} ~~     \{ g(x):=c^{T}x+E [ Q(x, \xi(\omega))]\}\\
Q(x,\xi):=inf_{y \in Y} \{q^{T}y:Wy \geq h-Tx\}\\
Where that code writes x \in X as a subscript of Min, but I want it under Min. I tried \limits, but seems like it just works with math stuff (like \sum). Any ideas?

Any help will be really appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Numbering Aligned Equations, and writing under Min

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Aly,
  1. Use the align environment instead of equation and aligned:

    Code: Select all

        \mbox{min}  ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} C_s F_s  +  \sum \limits_{(i,j) \in A} \sum \limits_{t \in T} K_{ijt} (\omega)\\
        \mbox{s.t.} ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} a_{ijts} F_{s} + K_{ijt} (\omega) \geq l_{ijt}(\omega) ~~ \forall (i,j) \in A,~~ \forall t \in T\\
        & F_{s}, K_{ijt} (\omega) \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}
  2. You could use the flalign environment:

    Code: Select all

        \mbox{min}  ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} C_s F_s  +  \sum \limits_{(i,j) \in A} \sum \limits_{t \in T} K_{ijt} (\omega)&\\
        \mbox{s.t.} ~~ ~~ &\sum \limits_{s \in S} a_{ijts} F_{s} + K_{ijt} (\omega) \geq l_{ijt}(\omega) ~~ \forall (i,j) \in A,~~ \forall t \in T&\\
        & F_{s}, K_{ijt} (\omega) \in \mathbb{Z}_{+}&
    or the fleqn option for the whole document.
  3. Declare Min as operator:

    Code: Select all

Stefan admin
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Re: Numbering Aligned Equations, and writing under Min

Post by amegahed3 »

Thanks a lot, Stefan. All your tricks worked perfectly. Thanks.

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