Fonts & Character SetsRoman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?

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Roman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?

Post by arthurdayne86 »


could anyone tell me why in this example, the "normal" font is not MinionPro?

Code: Select all


\setsansfont{Myriad Pro}

The Cauchy integral formula...
Basically, I just want to use MyriadPro-Semibold for the headings but MinionPro with MnSymbol for all other stuff. Since I didn't manage to install MyriadPro through otftotfm, I decided to use XeLaTeX.
But now I just don't get how I can use both fonts at the same time. When I use one single font of those two, it works fine.

Maybe there is a conflict with this fontspec-Package? I'd be happy if someone could look over it and perhaps tell me how LaTeX does what I want it to do :-)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Roman font doesn't change, conflict with fontspec?

Post by arthurdayne86 »


this problem is solved by adding \setmainfont{Minion Pro} (you have to install Minion Pro as system font before). fontspec is automatically disabled for the math section if there is \usepackage{MinionPro}.
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