Graphics, Figures & Tablesugly table

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ugly table

Post by pwkip »

I use the folowing code

Code: Select all

                                   &   & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Voorspelde klasse}   \\
                                   &              & $A$ & $\bar{A}$              \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Werkelijke klasse} & $A$          & TP  & FN                     \\
                                   & $\bar{A}$    & FP & TN                      \\
\caption{De algemene contingecy table}

I would like the last two columns to have distributed widths, how do i do this?


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ugly table

Post by emime »

this is probably due to a limit (or a bug) of multirow package. The multicolumn head
is too long and sub-columns fail in being distrubted evenly.
You can use hspace. The following is not a definitive solution, but works.

Code: Select all

 & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Voorspelde klasse}  \\
                                   &              &\hspace{10pt} $A$\hspace{10pt} & $\bar{A}$              \\
\multirow{2}{*}{Werkelijke klasse} & $A$          & \hspace{10pt}TP\hspace{10pt} & FN                     \\
                                   & $\bar{A}$    & \hspace{10pt}FP\hspace{10pt} & TN                      \\
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 3:56 am

Re: ugly table

Post by pwkip »

Thanks a lot! It did the trick :D
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