Fonts & Character SetsUsing special fonts without special fonts

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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theo moore
Posts: 72
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Using special fonts without special fonts

Post by theo moore »

My home computer runs Mac OS X, but my work computer is Ubuntu. Basically, I'd like to use XeTeX and LaTeX to typeset reports with special fonts. However, because the font choices for Ubuntu are so limited, I'd like to construct final versions by compiling on OSX, but still work on them on Ubuntu without having to comment out all the new font stuff.

So in my document, I would like to redefine the sans serif font family to Helvetica (for example), so when I compile the document at home (to get the 'finished product') it comes out correctly. However, if I compile it at work, I don't want it to give me errors.

Is there a way to give XeTeX font choices, and if it can't find one, it'll use a default?

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Re: Using special fonts without special fonts

Post by phi »

Another suggestion: Simply copy the fonts you want to use to your work computer.
theo moore
Posts: 72
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:16 pm

Using special fonts without special fonts

Post by theo moore »

phi wrote:Another suggestion: Simply copy the fonts you want to use to your work computer.
Hmm...stupid question: Can I do that? I guess I never tried --- I just always assumed Mac fonts were Mac fonts.
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Re: Using special fonts without special fonts

Post by josephwright »

Legally might be questionable: depends on the font license. You can of course buy the appropriate fonts and install them where-ever.
Joseph Wright
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