BibTeX, biblatex and biber\citet in 'number' citation style

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\citet in 'number' citation style

Post by bbouling »

Hi all,

I use the number format with natbib for the references in the text. When I use the \citet command, I get an error: no authors. I don't get why?

My bib and tex files are attached.

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Re: \citet in 'number' citation style

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

It's not an error, so to speak, but perhaps a missing feature. Quoting the documentation for natbib: "The authors can only be listed if the .bst file supports author–year citations. The standard .bst files, such as plain.bst, are numerical only and transfer no author–year information to LaTeX. In this case, \citet prints "(author?) [21]."

My guess is that you're using a bibliography style file that isn't capable of handling author-year citations, so natbib doesn't find the appropriate information in the .aux file.
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Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:17 am

Re: \citet in 'number' citation style

Post by bbouling »

You guessed right, the bib style is a numerical one.

I'd classify that as a missing feature :)
Thank you for the explanation.
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