Thanks localghost, my problem is exactly that described in the post you refer to. A MWE would be:
Code: Select all
x &= y \\
&\stackrel{\text{by Lemma 1}}{=} z
The solution in the other thread works ok, but is a bit tedious since I have to type in the width of columns manually:
Code: Select all
x &\qquad=\qquad y \\
&\stackrel{\mathclap{\text{by Lemma 1}}}{\qquad=\qquad} z
Anyways, it's ok, I will use this.
(It would be more convenient if there was an align-like environment that allowed specifying the alignment of each column individually:
Code: Select all
x &=& y \\
&\stackrel{\text{by Lemma 1}}{=}& z
daleif, I agree it's not a good idea in the examples above because the motivation can come in the surrounding text, but those are just minimized examples created to make the forum thread readable. In a very long derivation, it can become too cumbersome to explain the steps in surrounding text, especially when equalities and inequalities are mixed ("the first equality is motivated by Lemma A; the first inequality by Lemma B; the second equality by Lemma C ..."). stackrel has been used in scientific publications. It is a quite clear and compact way to motivate each step, which is useful since many conferences have very tight space limits for papers. Do you have any other suggestions for delivering the same message without losing clarity or compactness?
Thanks to both of you for very quick resonses!