I'm a new user of Latex on windows XP, with the Texnic center. I'm experiencing a problem using bibtex for my references. In my source.tex file, all I do is to include \bibliographystyle{prsty}
and \bibliography(refs}, where refs is my .bib file. I use ~\cite{xyz}, where xyz is the identifier for the particular reference in my .bib file. When I complie Latex through Texnic, I get an error, which says something like *bibtex.exe: Windows API error 123: ...* . Although I checked to see if my .bib file has been mentioned correctly in my source file, this problem seems to recur.
Is there any particular way of using bibtex on texnic center, or does the "Build" icon do everthing? I'm not sure if I am missing something. Can someone lend a helping hand?
Many thanks and Cheers
General ⇒ problem with bibtex on texnic center
Re: problem with bibtex on texnic center
It is said an old TEXINPUTS definition can cause that error. Delete that.
If this is not the solution, sorry, cannot help more.
If this is not the solution, sorry, cannot help more.
problem with bibtex on texnic center
srikanth_rswamy wrote: I'm a new user of Latex on windows XP, with the Texnic center. I'm experiencing a problem using bibtex for my references. In my source.tex file, all I do is to include \bibliographystyle{prsty}
I had the same problem too. The cause of my problem was that the style file wasn't in the correct directory. After putting the styles on the right place the error disappeared again.
So are you sure the 'prsty.sty' file is in the same directory as the latex file you are trying to compile?
Last edited by Jeroen on Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: problem with bibtex on texnic center
I'm having a similar problem, with the same error message, except that I'm just using the "plain" style....The next line of the error message further says it couldn't find an .idx input index file in my directory. Any ideas? Thanks much.
Re: problem with bibtex on texnic center
I'm having the same problem, all my files are in the same directory, but it's not working, I get the Windows API error 123. What's wrong??
I'm using MikTeX 2.8 and TeXnicCenter 1.0 ...
I'm using MikTeX 2.8 and TeXnicCenter 1.0 ...
problem with bibtex on texnic center
please post a minimal working example (MWE) allowing us to reproduce and detect the problem. Instructions on how to build such a MWE can be found following the link I provided.
please post a minimal working example (MWE) allowing us to reproduce and detect the problem. Instructions on how to build such a MWE can be found following the link I provided.
Last edited by gmedina on Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- localghost
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problem with bibtex on texnic center
I think it's important to know your operating system. TeXnicCenter (TXC) in its current version is not designed for Windows systems newer than XP.zboud wrote:I'm having the same problem, all my files are in the same directory, but it's not working, I get the Windows API error 123. What's wrong?? [...]
Best regards and welcome to the board
Last edited by localghost on Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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- Joined: Tue Jan 05, 2010 8:06 pm
Re: problem with bibtex on texnic center
maybe.. you can go to MikTex package manager, and install the package manually. It works for my problem.