BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibliography citation entry links to URL using DOI

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Bibliography citation entry links to URL using DOI

Post by huwemajor »


I'm trying to find a way that bibtex can use the DOI i have stored to make an entire bibliography entry link to the webpage for that article.

In the main text I'm using the hyperref package to generate a hyperref to the entry in the bibliography. This is fine.

But what I then want is if someone clicks the bibliography entry, which is itself a hyperlink, it launches a web browser and loads the correct web page from using the DOI.

I don't want an extra field in the bibliography that is a URL, like url.bst allows, I want the entire bibliography entry to be a hyperlink. Kind of like how backref works

Many thanks

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Re: Bibliography citation entry links to URL using DOI

Post by s0198362 »

I too am looking into if this is possible. Just thought I would bump this page to see if anyone knows.

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