Page LayoutUsing paragraph as subsubsubsection....

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Using paragraph as subsubsubsection....

Post by drwarm »

Ok I have 2 problems with my report I want to get solved but the first one is the one that is bugging me the most!! Any help you guys can give will stop me going insane, as all the guides and forums posts I have read do not seem to do what I'm trying.

First Problem:
For my report I wanted to have down to the 7 levels of sectioning, so I could have:

For this I used these two commands:

Which work fairly well except for when I come to write in the paragraph section
it behaves like a normal paragraph, where I really want it to be like a section (or subsection etc).

No matter what I do I can't get it to move to the next line properly as

Code: Select all

\paragraph{Some Title} \newline
Some text
It tells me that's there's no line it can break.

So just to workaround it currently I have:

Code: Select all

\paragraph{Some Title} \paragraph*{}
Some text
Which is close to what I want, but it leaves too big of a gap, and indents incorrectly (I tried \noindent but it just ignores that as well)

Second Problem:
Headings not displayed correctly after List of Tables, ie on the next page I have a section called acronyms which I don't want numbered, so I use \section*{}, but I would like the Heading changed to Acronym. Is their a command to overright the default Heading so it will also look for the \section*{}?

Any suggestions? BTW have a look at the TeX file I included to see the problems I'm talking about if I didn't explain them well enough!

Many Thanks.
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Using paragraph as subsubsubsection....

Post by localghost »

The first issue could be solved by using the titlesec package. The manual shows you in detail how to change the look of headings.

The second one could be done by using the \markboth command in the section for acronyms to manually control the contents of the header and then switch back to the chosen header setup.

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Using paragraph as subsubsubsection....

Post by drwarm »

Wow thanks for the fast reply, got it working really easily!!!

If anyone else is interested I have put the code I used below:

This was the code I added to preamble for first problem:

Code: Select all


\titlespacing*{\section}      {0pt}{3.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex} {2.3ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subsection}   {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subsubsection}{0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\paragraph}    {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
\titlespacing*{\subparagraph} {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}
For the second problem I just put after the \newpage that Acronyms are on:

Code: Select all

Thanks for your help!!
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