GeneralSome assistance with creating a CV

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Blue Ice
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Some assistance with creating a CV

Post by Blue Ice »


I am attempting to reproduce my CV in MikTex 2.6 with TeXnic Center 1 Beta v7.01. On XP Home Edition.

I am having some problems aligning text within the document as follows:

{ \bf Company 1} \hspace{10.0cm} Dates \\
\underbar{Position: explanation here}\\
Projects: some text here

{ \bf Company 2} \hspace{10.0cm} Dates \\
\underbar{Position: explanation here}\\
Projects: some text here

The problem is that because of the company names being different the dates are not aligned on the right. An obvious alternative was to use a right justification on the dates using the following command:

Date Here

However, doing this meant that the dates were not on the same line as the company name but were on the next line down and to the right.

The final idea that i had was to use a table but I feel this will be quite complicated. he right justification seems the best and will look good if i can stop MikTex from moving to a new line. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Ken.

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Some assistance with creating a CV

Post by pumpkinegan »

Would you consider using a template like cv or moderncv?
Blue Ice
Posts: 8
Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2007 10:25 pm

Re: Some assistance with creating a CV

Post by Blue Ice »

Thank you for your feedback,

I am currently using a template however I am attempting to personalise the template somewhat as most templates are set up for academic CVs rather than professional worki experience....

I have taken some ideas from other templates but the are not always a simple cut and paste job.
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