Text Formattingmanaging long equation

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managing long equation

Post by teddy0625 »

I have this one very long equation which can not be displayed on one page as it can be seen from the attachment. I want to know how I can display it properly.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsfonts,geometry} % Typical maths resource packages
\usepackage{xcolor}                    % For creating coloured text and background
\usepackage{hyperref}                 % For creating hyperlinks in cross references


  \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\MakeUppercase{\chaptername \ \thechapter \ \ #1}}{}}
  \fancyhf{}%clear all header and footer fields
\def\chem#1#2{ {{\scriptscriptstyle#1\atop\longrightarrow}\atop{\longleftarrow\atop \scriptscriptstyle#2}} }

\subsection{Linearization stability parallel flow (Rayleigh equation)}
Now, seek the solution with form $ \overline{\psi}=\phi(y)e^{i\alpha(x-ct)} $ where $ \alpha $ and c are constants (c is complex in general) so continue derivation 
\\-\dfrac{\partial}{\partial t}{[-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)+\phi_{yy}(y)]e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}}+U(y)\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}{[-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)+\phi_{yy}(y)e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}]}+U_{yy}(y)\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x}[\phi(y)e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}]&=0,\\
\\ \alpha c{\textrm{i}}[\phi_{yy}(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)]e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}-\alpha {\textrm{i}}U(y)[\phi_{yy}(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)]e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}+\alpha {\textrm{i}}U_{yy} (y)\phi(y)e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}&=0,\\
\therefore \ \phi_{yy}(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)-\frac{U_{yy}(y)}{U(y)-c}\phi(y)&=0 \\
With boundary condition it can be written as
\begin{array}{l l}
\phi''(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)-\dfrac{U''(y)}{U(y)-c}\phi(y) \\ \\
\end{array} \right. \]
Which is Rayleigh's stability equation where h is usually given as 1.\\

Picture 1.png
Picture 1.png (42.49 KiB) Viewed 2773 times

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managing long equation

Post by localghost »

First of all, when using the align* environment, you should use it correctly. Typesetting the equations as shown in the image the equation* environment would be sufficient. In case of too long equations you can decrease the font size temporarily.

Code: Select all

  -\frac{\partial}{\partial t}{[-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)+\phi_{yy}(y)]e^{{\text{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}}+U(y)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}{[-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)+\phi_{yy}(y)e^{{\text{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}]}+U_{yy}(y)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}[\phi(y)e^{{\text{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}]&=0,\\
  \alpha c{\textrm{i}}[\phi_{yy}(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)]e^{{\text{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}-\alpha {\text{i}}U(y)[\phi_{yy}(y)-\alpha^{2}\phi(y)]e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}+\alpha {\textrm{i}}U_{yy} (y)\phi(y)e^{{\textrm{i}}\alpha(x-ct)}&=0,\\

Best regards
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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