I need a way to specify the placement of a math text inside a postscript source according to default postscript coordinates (lower-left edged) (don't ask me why?:).
At the beginning my reasoning was the following:
- 1) Write my text as mymath.tex
2) Get a mymath.dvi using latex
3) Get a mymath.ps using divps
4) Use the code inside mymath.ps to place text where required using postscript operators like moveto, etc.
So, the final questions:
- 1) Do you know how tex.pro file is generated? Is there some documentation about?
2) Are there any options to customize the TexDict in the way the text is placed at default postscript coordinates?
3) Is there a way to treat the generated postscript as a single and unique string to move where I like inside the document?
4) Is there a smarter way to do what I want? That is, convert and include a math strings coded as tex in a postscript source?